Renowned cartoonist Robb Armstrong ’85, the creator of the syndicated comic strip JumpStart, has always appreciated an influential art teacher’s guidance that led him to Syracuse University. These days, Armstrong is committed to helping guide the next generation on their path to success. In a recent campus visit, he sat down for an interview with Nikkos Saviolis ’23, an illustration major who aspires to write and draw graphic novels. When Saviolis asked him what advice he had for students who want to follow their dreams, Armstrong told him, “There is nothing more valuable than you and your contribution to this world, and the sooner you recognize that, the sooner we’ll have a chance to experience what you want to give us.… This place represents the fullness of the opportunities that lie ahead for you.”
Jumpstarting Creativity
Cartoonist and Syracuse University graduate Robb Armstrong shares insights and inspiration with the next generation of illustrators.
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